If you ever wished there was somewhere you could go that had all of the information you needed to plan out an entire month then allow us to grant your wish. The Start Here Planner combines everything you need to know to plan awesome and relevant activities, parties, field trips, etc. Need some wacky holidays? How about some step by step activities? What about some ideas to mix things up a bit? Games, Trivia, Word Scramble Handouts, Field Trip Permission Slips, All Kinds of Activity Forms, Assessments, Resident Population Assessment. It's all right there, in one easy to use Click-n-Print feature. So, seriously ... Start Here.

Activity Careplans can be a Nightmare! but with our Careplan Assistant you have help. Select your resident cognitive level, then the area of concern and your assistant will display several careplan templates to choose from. Just edit to fit the individual, the facility and your program and your ready to go.. It saves you Time!

Activity Director Calendars and Newsletter Templates
for your facility Newsletter and Calendars prepared and ready to download in either Microsoft Word, PrintMaster and Adobe PDF. Newsletter and Calendar templates include different sizes, landscape or portrait, blank or pre-filled topics. Both are themed with monthly clip-art selections and are easily edited to get your newsletters and calendars in production for 3 months at a time.
May we suggest the OpenOffice.org Office Suite from Apache. This Free Software is excellent in preparing your monthly newsletters and calendars for those of you who do not have Microsoft Word.

Activity CLIP ART
A picture is worth a thousand words. But, finding the right picture with the right words can be overwhelming. At Activity Directors Network we have gathered all of the pictures you could possibly need, and put them into one easy to search location. Just open your newsletter and drag and drop a clip directly from the library. Clip Art it! We did.